Friday 15 April 2016

Term 1 - Week 11

We have had a long but rewarding first term back at school for 2016. The children have achieved so much and we are all very proud of them. There has been lots going on in Room 8 to end the term.

On Wednesday we had our class and individual photos, the children did a great job and the photos will be available to purchase next term.

We were also fortunate enough to have Amelie's Dad Felix and little brother Esher come and talk to us about Germany. Felix wore his  'Lederhosen' which is a traditional german outfit and brought along a Schultüte. This is a cone that children in Germany get given on their first day of school. It is prettily decorated and filled with toys, chocolate, lollies, school supplies, and various other goodies. Felix also brought some german lollies for the us to try. What lucky children!

Blyth has been off school this week, recovering after having her tonsils out. After the operation Blyth chose to keep her tonsils and her big sister brought them to school for us all to look at. The children were very interested and we spent some time trying to look at each others tonsils but they were quite difficult to see.

On Friday we had our hotly anticipated 'Wheels Day'. The children brought their bikes and scooters and had a great time riding them on the court and tiger turf. We set up cones and a jump for both the bikes and scooters. Here are some photos from the day:

We hope you all have a lovely holiday, and will see you back after the break.

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